Using Custom Domains

Connecting Custom Domains


Using a custom domain for your bio link page enhances your brand's professionalism and makes your page easier to remember. Pingit Agency allows you to connect your own custom domain to your bio link page seamlessly.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access Domain Settings

Navigate to your bio link page's settings and click on the "Domains" tab to open the domain settings panel.

Domain Settings

Step 2: Add a New Domain

Click on "Add New Domain" to start the process of connecting your custom domain.

Add New Domain

Step 3: Enter Domain Details

Enter your custom domain in the provided field. Make sure to include the full domain (e.g.,

Enter Domain Details

Step 4: Update DNS Records

To connect your custom domain, you need to update the DNS records with your domain registrar. Add the following DNS records:

  • CNAME Record: Point the CNAME record to
  • A Record: Point the A record to the IP address provided by Pingit Agency.

Update DNS Records

Step 5: Verify Domain

After updating the DNS records, return to the domain settings panel and click "Verify Domain". The verification process may take a few minutes.

Verify Domain

Step 6: Set as Primary Domain

Once your domain is verified, set it as the primary domain for your bio link page by toggling the "Set as Primary" switch.

Set as Primary Domain

Tips for Using Custom Domains

  • Consistency: Ensure that your custom domain aligns with your overall branding and is easy to remember.
  • DNS Propagation: DNS changes may take up to 48 hours to