Creating Advanced Links


Pingit Agency offers a range of advanced link options to enhance the functionality and user experience of your bio link pages. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and managing advanced links such as file links, Vcard links, event links, and splash pages.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Advanced Links Section

Navigate to your bio link page's settings and click on the "Advanced Links" tab to open the advanced links panel.

Advanced Links

Step 2: Create a File Link

File links allow you to share downloadable files directly from your bio link page.

  • Step 2.1: Click on "Create New File Link".
  • Step 2.2: Upload the file you want to share (e.g., PDF, Word document, image).
  • Step 2.3: Enter a title and description for the file link.
  • Step 2.4: Click "Save" to create the file link.

Create File Link

Step 3: Create a Vcard Link

Vcard links enable you to share your contact information in a digital format that users can easily download and add to their contacts.

  • Step 3.1: Click on "Create New Vcard Link".
  • Step 3.2: Enter your contact details, such as name, phone number, email, and address.
  • Step 3.3: Click "Save" to generate the Vcard link.

Create Vcard Link

Step 4: Create an Event Link

Event links allow you to share event details in a format that users can add to their calendars.

  • Step 4.1: Click on "Create New Event Link".
  • Step 4.2: Enter the event details, including title, date, time, and location.
  • Step 4.3: Click "Save" to create the event link.

Create Event Link

Splash Pages

Step 5: Create a Splash Page

Splash pages are custom intermediary pages that can include countdowns, promotions, or important announcements before redirecting to the main link.

  • Step 5.1: Click on "Create New Splash Page".
  • Step 5.2: Customize the splash page with your content, images, and countdown timer if needed.
  • Step 5.3: Click "Save" to create the splash page.

Create Splash Page

  • Relevance: Ensure that the advanced links you create are relevant and useful to your audience.
  • Clarity: Provide clear titles and descriptions for each advanced link to help users understand their purpose.
  • Engagement: Use splash pages to engage users with important information or promotions before they access the main content.


Creating advanced links on your bio link page enhances its functionality and provides additional value to your users. Follow the steps above to create and manage file links, Vcard links, event links, and splash pages effectively.